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This is really amazing. The music is catchy, the sprites are pretty, and the puzzles are thoughtful. Things ramp up slowly enough that it's not overwhelming, but fast enough that it doesn't feel patronizing either. And the fact that there are two characters to control makes planning interesting - even if you can see where to go, you need to know who to send there.

But the thing that stood out to me most about this was the sheer level of visual flair and polish! Every little thing is animated, from Minx and Fufu's wiggly tails, to the geese's flashlight sweeps, to yawning, and turning, and rolling. Even the fact that the knocked-out geese can have more than one little dream circling their heads is just another lovely little detail you didn't need to put it, but I'm glad you did.

It honestly feels like you didn't cut a single corner while you were making this - I'm finding it really difficult to find fault at all. Just wow, well done!


Thank you so much! We're really happy with how it all turned out, and hearing things like this is just super heartwarming!