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Hi there!

(I will assume that you are talking about the MZ version of the plugin)

So, yes, you can do something like that! For example, each time a choice is selected, you can show text on a help window created for the choices. So each choice can have its help text.

You cannot make it work exactly like the default Message Window. But, you may be able to achieve a similar result, by changing the help window size on the plugin command and combining it with Eli Global Text(To let the help window use any escape code) plus one of the below: 

1 - With the Choice Manager plugin, you can show a picture when a choice is selected. So you could use this to show an actor's face image. But you will need a single picture for that.

2 - Or, you can combine with Eli Message Actions and use the escape code \drawimg to draw a picture inside the help window.

Eli Global Text and Eli Message Actions are free plugins.

Another way would be using my Text Window plugin that indeed lets you show another Message Window on the screen(as many as you want), and combine it with the show choices. But the Text Window is not as free as the two above.

Hope I manage to clear your doubts!

Oh, something like combining the Text Window plugin with this one might just be exactly what we need, yes!

Just to confirm... if we had both of those... what would the procedure be to set up an on-choice-hover text window like that?  I'm going through the How to Use files for each one and just trying to imagine the actual process... something like setting up some initial settings in the parameters in Choice Manager, then putting an escape code in the choice's help text to call another text window via the Text Window plugin?  Apologies for the confusion; just trying to feel out the process with two plugins we don't have yet before buying both of them, can be confusing. ^^;

Thank you so much for your help!  Very excited for these!

Hi there!

Hold a little bit, that I will answer you with a video of both working when I have time. But I may only be free after day 1 of january.


Oh, okay!  I'm aiming to pick them up before the sale ends, but it looks like we have a few days left on that, so we can wait. ^^  That's incredibly helpful... thank you!!


Hi there!

Using the Text Window as a help window with the Choice Manager will be something like this:

You can see that the Help WIndows are stacking. I already fixed that on the Text Window code, but will update it later.

Choice Manager

You need to set a Switch to activate every time a new choice is selected. And also set a variable to track the choice index:

Then, create a parallel or autorun event, that is only activated when the "Switch New Selection" is ON. Inside that event, create conditionals tracking the current selected choice index by using a variable, and create a Text Window for each one. At the end of the event, set the "Switch New Selection" to off, to stop the parallel/autorun loop.

Hope it helps!


Oh, yes, this is perfect!  This is exactly what we needed.  Thank you so much!!