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Awesome game probably my favourite of the jam. My only suggestion is that some of the collisions can be a bit awkward which I know is a problem within Fusion not your fault. I loved the sprites and tiles, the sound and the overall gameplay experience. I love it.

Hi thanks for playing. I dont understand what you mean with collisions? i know it can be a hazzle to go throught a gap. its becouse i used collide with box, meaning it has an collision box of 16x16 and one tile is 16x16 so it needs to be pixel perfect to pass, Also i can make a smaler collision box so it gets easier to pass?

Yeah that's what I meant the pixel perfect gaps :)

Yeah, you could space the blocks apart by a few more pixels, or you could make the collisions slightly smaller. You will probably have to wait until the jam is over, since the submission period is done, though.

All tiles through the game is 16x16 testyed making a hitbox with the size 14x14. and with that it gave the slash 2 more pixels to the sides. so you could kill enemies through walls. so now i need to make the slash 14x14 aswell. Should work.