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Ah... I really wish I could play more of that, but sadly Unreal 5 is just too much for me, the game was running on extreeeeeme slow motion on my end. I made up to the room with the sniper dudes, but then I died and went back to the first save, so I kinda stopped there since it would take way too long to get back to where I was. (This is not really your fault at all tho, I just happen to not have a good machine, but I guess making sure your game is properly optmized would be agood piece of advice to give lol)

That's a shame tho, if it wasn't for the technical difficulties this would probably have been a contender for my personal favorite, specially since it's visible the Pseudoregalia influence as other people pointed out, wich was probably one of my favorite mvm entries of all time x3

(Altought I had problems with Pseudoregalia at it's turn too. It was well optmized enought to run mostly smoothly but I kept having constant crashes. I guess my laptop just have a beef with Unreal lol)

I guess that's it, I can't really make a proper review since I wasn't able to play the game for real, but even then I'm still cheering for this one to be on the top list, purely out of bias, but also because I can still see this is a really good entry either way

(2 edits)

Awwww I knew this would happen eventually. I think I forgot to disable Virtual Shadow Maps in the project settings, which can impact performance quite heavily.

If you wanna try squeezing some extra performance, there’s a way to set a lower resolution scale (you won’t lose too much graphical fidelity considering this game is meant to run at a low resolution). Go to C:/Users/YourName/AppData/Local/MyProject2/Saved/Config/Windows and look for a file named GameUserSettings.ini, then set sg.ResolutionQuality to a value between 1 and 100. I recommend starting with 50, but don’t go lower than 30 or you’ll get one big pixelated mess.

If you’re not up for it, that’s fine too. I guess choosing UE5 for such a retro-looking game wasn’t such a bright idea lol. Thank you so much for playing though!

(EDIT: Apparently, setting a fixed frame rate in the project settings makes the game run in slow-mo if you PC can’t keep up. Well, at least now I know lol)

Ohh, thanks for the tip, I'll try that out later tonight :o