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(1 edit)

I'm using an Xbox One controller and RT doesn't do anything.

Good game but too difficult.  I wasn't able to past like the 2nd room and died on the 1st many times.  I think the enemy attacks constantly when they aren't supposed to.

I appreciate all the work that was done because the map looks significant.  I'd play again if it was easier to control and block or destroy those nasty spider balls, and attack.


I think the problem with enemies is spawning on top of one another and multiple attacks hit, which is something I want. Just not 3 of the same guy hitting you at the same time haha. 

I couldn't get the spawnrate to feel how I wanted it with the time I had, so I was disappointed in that aspect. I did make the light around enemies' feet to display their attack/sight ranges. If you know just when to attack before the skeleton can hit you, you can hit him without being hit. Even if there are multiple (which again, I wish there wasn't).

Anyway, thank you for playing! I apologize about the RT button as well, mine seemed to work fine with several controllers. I'll have to look into that.