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I like the whimsy of this game a lot. The cave could have said "Sorry another bug got to the cave first, you lose, restart" but no, it takes it up a notch, and I liked that. Big respect for solo developing this. 

Something about playing as these tiny critters made me want to see this as the first stage in a Spore-style game. The models perfectly straddle the line between cute and nightmarishly disturbing, which is really rare. I liked the "race" mode mechanics where you bully/box out smaller critters, I don't think I've ever played something quite like that before and it was satisfying.



Yeah, the initial idea was: Beast Mode (which is the nickname of a football runningback) and Turbo Mode. Runningbacks are sometimes known for knocking other players down.

But instead of football players, I used underwater animals from zillions of years ago. They can be pretty gross looking. But I made them more funny looking. But I guess some of their creepy traits still show (e.g. the little orange guys' spiny things). They kinda look like bugs.

I thought red lava might have been too eerie. But couldn't find a better colour for hazardous areas, so I stuck with red anyways.

As for the music, I can't help putting in a little bit of eeriness. Spooky!

The lore was: why is all of the world's food inside one cave? Cuz an evil wizard put it there just to see all the animals underwater panic lol.

Lol, I dig the lore. Great job! It's funny you mention Beast Mode, someone made a game in this jam about that which I played, you might want to check it out