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(2 edits) (+1)

I have been looking at this game quietly since it dropped and I gotta say I'm enjoying it plenty. I have opinions on AI but seeing that your not doing this for money, we seem to be on a similar page. The writing of the game itself I find charming and of course arousing. Even though I see little mistakes here and there like random /'s at the end of text and small spelling mistakes, nothing in the new chapter was as broken as some of the stuff in the first chapter (which I saw you fixed nice :) ) I just wanted to cheer you on as you work on the next chapter which seems to be quite a lot. I made a document with my predictions of what your gonna do based on previous chapters so I see with my own eyes the BASE level of work you need to do not even factoring ALL the choices that may change dialogue. One question on my mind however is in regards to Latios and Latias. Im questioning on if your gonna have them be captured separately, together or removing Latios due to the 100% male stat in game. Would like to know. Anyways have a happy holiday.   

Minor spelling mistakes and random /s are going to happen from time to time, I try to catch them in testing but I'll never get them all

As for your question about the Latis, they'll be together and both female, might give Latios a dick (if the AI will allow it) but I haven't decided yet

Make Latios a futanari; give them a dick!