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What I like about this specifically is that there's a reason off the bat to the lack of any graphics. My only concern, as others have, is there isn't any. I'm not sure it really fits the low rez jam theme but it's not in violation of it either.

The story itself is believeable, which is great. It gives me a very 'zombies run' vibe (for those that don't know its a running/jogging/cycling app with storyline based elements). You can definitely paint the picture of the events in your mind. The somewhat branching story paths are great too.

A critique would be that what exactly to press isn't exactly obvioius. For example early in the game run is forward, yet at the end of the game forward isn't enough? Also, there's not a lot of confidence in the timings. I understand you press the button at the sound, but is there a 'best' time to press it?

Yes, I ran into the problem of not knowing what's best to press when having my friends playtest it after the jam ended. It should definitely be changed to have more commands be viable. Most options have two keys that will work, and I should have let "Forward" work for the end. However, if you press a command anytime during the sound it should work. Thanks for the review!