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As a cat person the wolf (and human) murdering gameplay felt silky smooth, with animation work so expressive and impressive that it almost distracted me from the overwhelming spectacle unfolding in front of my very eyes.  Every small detail from the smudge filled screen illuminated by the enviroment to the violent metal pipe sound effect on each reload gives the game so much character and personality that it makes me feel insecure about mine. I did experience a softlock in one of the first rooms which let me fully take in the stunning visuals reminiscent of having your tequilla soda spiked with psychedelics at a german nightclub. The music complements this of course, with an appropriately intense beat narrating your every move.

The gunplay is snappy and responsive. Enemy behaviours feel fair and predictable, while also complementing each other nicely to create fun and interesting scenarios. The central elemantal mode mechanic adds an element of strategy and replayability to the game, although I often found it easier to stick to one and hold down the left mouse button until something explodes.

Nevertheless, I do have some, albeit, minor criticisms. Through its bombastic appearence JOHN MUST DIE sacrifices readability and clarity, I often wasn't sure what I was shooting or if I was hitting it. The HUD could also be a bit more readable overall. Death being sudden and unexpected could be seen as a nod to real life but I found it frustrating more than anything.

These are of course just minor setbacks to another amazing game. If you keep honing your skills at this rate I am certain that you can put a man on jupiter by February.

you underestimate my power, Prox. A man on Jupiter by February? Ha. Don’t make me laugh. Why on earth would my wifi be so horrible? Exactly.