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My god never have I ever looked at my typing going "... is it case-sensitive?!?!? Is it space-sensitive?!?!?!? ACCEPT MY ANSWER YOU--"

But legit, I absolutely adore this. I love the art and once I finished the VN and saw the title screen, my heart just broke when it looked like Eliot was reaching longingly to the sky of birds. Honestly, he did seem unhinged but it appeared as though he was well-behaved as long as he had his birds, as obsessive as it sounds. He didn't really mean any harm until the victim so callously killed them without any meaning (I kind of wish it was expanded over the victim suddenly doing this acts and maybe more history on Eliot himself).

The one thing I'm perplexed about is why Eliot wrote a cypher letter and having the police find him when it looked like he would much rather give himself up to the authorities since his precious birds were all dead and he apparently seems to have no will left, or if he prolonged the search by sending a cypher riddle to extend the suffering of his victim which would fit with how Eliot absolutely has no remorse to the person who killed his birds.

Another fact I love is the misdirection itself. I was so caught up with the three books in Eliot's room that I completely miss the obvious hint... It was not my finest moment.

I wish Eliot would have reacted if we named the little egg after his name, he probably would find it amusing if not baffled over why the officer chose it, but maybe in a way he'd feel at peace over the murder of his birds. Either way, I adore everything, from the story, music, pacing, THE GUI MY GOD YOU ABSOLUTELY SLAYED IT, and everything else. I kinda wish we had a bit more, but because of the jam limitations, I must say this is absolutely impressive and amazing!


Hello! First of all, thank you for you kind words ;\\\\;
I didn't expect such a beautiful and detailed review so I froze for a moment, I have to admit. I'm so glad that the game touched you and that you enjoyed playing it even if there were heavy topics discussed!
The 1K word limitation had me cut some content, but I wanted to include a reaction for the name too - the extra dialogue though would cut other parts and so I had to renounce. Now that the jam is over though I'm thinking about expanding a bit more on it, especially about the victim side of the story because some players are curious.
And yes, Eliot had no remorse on the vendetta, the cipher was both a cry for help and a way to occupy and waste the police's time. As for the GUI it's a free one made by Skolaztika, you can find it here on Itch! I found it very beautiful and it suits the mood of the game, doesn't it? 
Thank you again for playing my game ;\\\\;

You're welcome! I'm stoked to see what kind of story comes when we have the victim's side of the story. Obviously, what he did was horrible even if Eliot was an unhinged person with such obsessive needs, but could it be he was pushed to do it because of his fear of Eliot or was he that much of an asshole?? Either way, amazing job nonetheless and I'm looking forward to what comes next~!