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Let's All Get Along~

A member registered Oct 24, 2021 · View creator page →

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Aww this was such a cute game! Curse me not being mean enough to explore the options and creeping Zazack out because I was so curious about the other endings. Dude was just sweet and calm as he was probably just annoyed that a customer had to come in at the last second while the story was about to close and I was like "I can't be mean... He's a retail worker his life is already difficult..." I'm honestly glad I checked out the development log and found a Youtuber had uploaded a video about his playthrough of the VN. That means I can vicariously live through his experiences as my own.

But I have to say, I really like the art when referencing other visual novels or developers! I got some like Casket, Duality, the backrooms from Batter, and I think that's all. But I loved the art for it especially with how cozy and pretty it was! Highly wish more people would try this out!

Help-- I can't breathe! This was so funny, from the choices that led us to comical routes (my favorite is the one where we end up becoming a wax artist) and the one where we reached our boiling point and ran out with the PC. I think my favorite part was when we had to do the fridge and email notes, absolutely loved how UNHINGED MC. 

From how they made those food (seriously, the art was so good it legit made me hungry I had to snack on two chocolate bars) to the hilarious dialogue of Bo and MC when they faced off (god I love those two dweebs) AND JUST BO BEING SMUG HE STOLE LUNCHES AND GOES TO MC AND SAYS "You're damn meal was the best, 10/10 would steal again"

ALSO ENDING 7??? I'M CRYING HOW DO YOU MAKE IT SO FUNNY AND FLIRTY?? The entire team is basically doing god's work with this visual novel I'm beside myself SOBBING!

The music is perfect and doesn't grate your ears when you hear it constantly loop and play, the art is stunning with its visual effect, character design for Bo was funny and attractive I will not lie, and essentially just the entire visual novel is so worth playing through and having some laughs!

... I'm gonna eat again even though it's 11:21pm dammit.

I have to say that's an interesting take on the whole bullying victim summons a demon to grant them a wish. I think that my main gripe is how limited the facial expressions of the sprites were that it didn't match the dialogue and tone, as well as how similar both Ayaka and Emi were which threw me off at the beginning. Another thing I wanted to point out was the music at the beginning, it felt like it didn't fit much with the scenes like the bullying scene and seemed way to preppy. But I did enjoy myself at the latter stage of the story, finding it cute if not cliche.

I find it interesting how the dynamic between Ayaka and Emi played out because they are both cowardly yet brave, we see this most with how Ayaka treats Emi as she is harsh to Emi because Emi reminds her of herself as well as her own internalized feelings. I also find it interesting how Emi internalizes her feelings to Ayaka, I'm sure she noticed that the coins in her piggy bank weren't being depleted and caused her to be curious about Ayaka's true intentions.

Despite that, I think the visual novel is pretty well done in terms of visuals, I found the story a bit slow paced and at the same time a bit oddly placed with the new informations we glean from both Ayaka and Emi but it's pretty well done!

That was short but no less interesting. Adam presents himself as a harmless person who seems quite doting towards his "girlfriend". What interests me is how he's so normal looking and acting that we don't really equate him as a threat despite the implication that he drugged our food at the end (probably when he realized we had no memory of who we and he is).

I'm curious about the memory scene if it was something like an innocent plyaful childhood memory or if Adam was exhibiting abnormal attachment towards the player even back then. Seeing as it's called "Adam Game" (which, should it be Adam's Game?) I'm imagining that Adam's harmless persona is going to gaslight MC a lot and put her in a psychologically unfair situation.

Quite curious how it'll turn out! Good luck with its development!

Wait omg I'm gonna fall for Chester even more WHY DOES HE LOOK SO PRETTY OH MY GOD STAWPPP

Congrats on the 265 downloads! Honestly, more people should try out this VN because days later I still remember the experience I had playing this VN. I adore the characters and the story you crafted, looking forward to playing more of your VNs and seeing you grow and learn!

Omg, no wonder I was giggling when Gavin mentioned mine, I was so hyped when I saw it and was like hiding my big ass smile reading that text

Oh my god, I played this IF 2 years ago and then last year, and when I replayed it yet again literally the magic of teh story hasn't changed for me. I still adore it and I love how the story felt even more fleshed out. I was so pumped when we got new content with Sebastian and I'm gonna melt the more I pursue Sebastian and Li's route (literally kicking and giggling like a school girl). 

I love the new addition of what Chapter 4 is, feels more in tune with the overall family dynamic of the Cowles. Looking forward to what comes next~! Seriously, amazing job!

Hello! Is it possible for you to share where the comic will be posted on or any sort of social media for Glass Mind? I'd love to know what is currently happening.

This is so interesting! I'm curious with this tidbit "But what do you do when one of your coworkers fall in love with one of the entities?" Does that mean our MC is not the object of affections of Zecharias but is instead an unfortunate person trying to survive the entity's plan? Though, based on the image shown I think that's Clark but I can't be fully sure.

Despite that, I love the set up, things feel more fleshed out story wise and the placeholders that are put in really add to the feel and atmosphere. I love the way you narrated the story of the Backrooms because it's a very used topic for shits and giggles but you handled it pretty well. I imagine it would be disorienting to see the colorful and out of place Zecharias among the beige and yellow walls of the Backrooms.

Amazing job here!

(1 edit)

I have to say, you really have to at least put a warning for loud sounds but man, this was like a brain rot. Honestly hilarious with how out of pocket this was! 


Damnnn, I really love the artstyle, it really gave off a highschool romance feel but also that last CG? Absolutely gave me chills! I like how we see how... Odd Ri is, and the fact we can make up hypotheses on what happened to her past school is pretty interesting given what we know about it.

I'm also pretty curious about Jani, he seems to also have his own set of mysteries but it's more subtle and unknown unlike Ri. But even so, it is quite interesting how their dynamic will change.

I just like the song "Tonight You Belong To Me" by Patience and Prudence because it really just adds to the atmosphere (also the lil detail when you hover Quit, kept playing around with that lmao). Aside from that, I enjoyed myself with this one a lot! Looking forward to what comes next!

This was interesting as hell! I also used a translator since I'm not familiar with vietnamese and I have to say I'm very curious how the amnesia plot will be used but also that I love the banter between Zavier and the MC. Great job with the little demo!

I have to say, I really adore the banter between Andrey and Zecheriahs. I love how intimate their conversations were and how much layers of familiarity and closeness the two have with how they bring up new characters that they personally know, but the players don't. Honestly, it felt like I was a vouyer peeking in on something quite intimate between the sexual innuendos and the heart to heart, it just felt all the more close and intimate.

I adore the characters' personalities, they mesh well and it's like a push and pull momentum with both sides having equal force. The way they talk to one another really made me hooked and I just love how subtle the world is around them as they focused on one another, all while they do their job. Amazing lil work for this one!

Hellooo! I have to say that when you said I was "emotionally intelligent" it really made me smile because I was actually really impressed how you managed to make an already complete story feel more complex without adding too much new information that deviated from the original story. I loved the original game you made, I loved how you portrayed mental illness in a way I think most creators can relate, a piece they made at their absolute lowest coming back to haunt them is something that sounds more psychologically horrific than any monsters or ghouls that go bump in the night.

I also have to say you really have a talent for writing stories! As a writer who became burnt out due to college, I really adored the way you make an immersive narrative (and that I was with you long enough to play through the first and second game to see how much you improved) and your art style is so uniquely you that it made me giddy realizing it.

I also saw your new VN and I'm really excited to play through it because I've been burnt out in college so I'm looking forward to getting enough energy to play through it, especially when it looks so interesting and more intense!

I'm gonna have you know I was always having trouble identifying my sexual orientation on whether I'm pansexual or asexual (apparently the pipeline is so real between those two orientation) and since I don't have much experience, I default to pansexual because I like all people, it's so curious for me to go through that and having to question myself but I honestly just really find it funny how coincidental it is.

Again, amazing narrative VN, I truly loved how heartfelt and sincere it all is.


But honestly, oh my god I love this so much. I love the natural chemistry between the two of them and how so much story was revealed to make the fantasy portion more believable but didn't compromise the lovely story between Huon and MC. I love the banter MC has with Huon and how the protector is quite soft (though, it's probably because of MC's non-hostile intentions) and just the two of them quickly falling in love like bro, please, you're killing me with how cute they are!

There is some angst potential but as of now, it's like seeing the two of them falling in love for the first time and it's just adorable! Lovely work, it feels quite complete (but I am curious about the other siblings and mayhaps new MC dynamics ohohoho)

Honestly that was so super cute, I just love how innocent May was, I feel like she's an excitable kid who really admires the elegance of the Goddess because most kids do!

Aww, that was so cute. I love that the focal point really was about True Love, just the expectations of the whole world and the True Love of the people involved. I love how the Prince paid homage to different forms of love that aren't immediately seen as romantic to other people, because I agree that love is so complex and only understood by the people involved in it.

I also like how the Prince really shows his love in comparison to say, Disney's version, because as you go through the story you really do understand that the Prince loves Snow more than anything in the world, but he also respect their relationship in a way that might seem annoying to other people (like the kiss portion) but is so important to the two of them.

I just find it really sweet and really says a lot about how a kiss sometimes feels like a performative act to others, especially through media and film.

I don't know why this actually nearly made me cry, I think it's because I also have a close relationship with my mother so just seeing the dynamic really made me feel close to the story. I also really like the simplistic story telling and the snapshots of each of MC's life as told by her need to bandage things. Honestly, to me it sounds like everytime the mother calls or she calls the mother, the bandage is a way to signify how the mother helps fix the small incidents MC goes through and is a reminder to be careful and to always take care of herself.

Honestly I really adore this concept! Love how cute yet heartwarming it is!

Woahhh! I'm honestly excited for this progress report, I'll be honest, I kinda did forget about this VN because I was also busy with college and it really made me think about people who are doing VNs (for free!) while in college are absolute beast. Again, congrats on graduating college and getting your first job! Seriously a milestone that I'm honestly happy for you other than the VN itself ahaha

Also, looking forward to the story, one of the reasons why I was drawn to this VN was how you wrote the story and giving life to both Liev and MC because at that time, I truly adored this MC because they felt so well-written and lively in a way that the MC wasn't just a flat character anyone could insert themselves to.

Looking through the endings, I noted that most of them seem to be in favor of Liev's victory with some of MC's narrow escape, I just love how it looks so I'm looking forward to what comes next! Good luck on the development and take care of yourself~!

Ohhh I'm so interested with that! Looking forward to seeing the qna

You don't have anything to worry about because I truly understand how college eats up your life. I'm about to start my 3rd year in college and let me say-- I truly didn't expect how hectic and fast paced it was. So I understand the hiatus you have since your studies are also as important.

But it's great to see an update on what's currently happening with the demo! I'm excited to try out your new visual novel (hopefully I'm not too busy as well...)

Take care of yourself in college! Remember to take breaks and not to get consumed by how everything works, good luck and I'm excited to hear what comes next for the game and your endeavors~!

Man, everything looks so good with the screenshots you shared! It's amazing you were able to juggle college with developing the visual novel and I adore how you kept up with the painterly style that gives a soft feeling.

Looking forward to what's happening next (I should probably check you out on tumblr lmao) and I wish you luck and wellness for college!

That was quite the emotional ride, I really love how the music amplified the homesick and nostalgic feeling. During my first year and first few months in college I also felt homesick (mostly because of stress and adjusting to the new environment) but I eventually adjusted well enough and have been doing good. However, I understand the feelings Sonne goes through quite well.

I also like how choatic everything is in the train room, it feels like Sonne wanted to surround himself with memorabilia of his life just to ground him because I feel like no matter how old or used to the travel you are, you can still get homesick and disoriented especially when you miss home.

I love reading through the conversation and learning tidbits of Sonne's travels, but I also love how his family was always the forethought of his mind when he talks because even if he talks about work, you can see the fondness he has for his husband and son. It really put a smile on my face.

Oh this was both sad and curious! I feel bad for Madison especially with spymapthing to the feeling of being there for someone, but the care not being reciprocated at all. It's more like Madison was clinging to Ezekiel for any bit of the normalcy she had with her friends back when they were kids but now it's nothing but a faded memory and a lot of bad blood is happening.

I was really curious about what exactly is happening and I think you did a great job in portraying such painful emotions with the jam limitations!

Though I'm not sure if it was a problem with the web version but I couldn't hear any music coming out from the VN, but aside from that lovely work done here~!

For real! It was so endearing hearing the lil meow and the tinkle of a bell mixed in. It was so cutee!

That was such a cute visual novel! I didn't know who the character was so I looked it up and was curious about the game itself (reminds me about Al Haitham from Genshin Impact), but I love the art! I also love the overall theme and vibe of the visual novel because of how easy and engaging the conversation was.

It really felt relaxing and soothing, I love picking out choices to answer back Ain and I was so curious about the overall plot of Elsword. Though I have to say, my favorite ending is Ending #1, I love the MC's reactions and how Ain was so endeared by MC.

Oh my god that was so cute and healing! The art here is absolutely adorable and I love how it turned out, I also love the Forest Spirit's design, it is not just charming and cute, but mystical and amazing, I also love with each season we pick, the "hair" of the Forest Spirit reflects that season as well which is very neat looking. I love each sound the Forest Spirit makes, it's so soothing to my heart.

I love how the forest changed with each season. It's not a complete drastic change that breaks the rules of O2A2 but the color combinations you used was lovely and quite relaxing seeing through. Amazing job here~!

Neat concept, I like how with the Overlord's name we instantly have a feel of the world the characters are in, especially with how MC was punished (from what we've gathered in the routes) and that Lumen himself is quite interesting. I wonder what sort of bond will be formed between the two of them at the ending where we decide to free him.

Oh that's so curious and interesting, I like how mystical everything is with the story and the characters. Good luck with your passion project, I have to say the prologue itself is very catching!

The run I went for I was really surprised at how understanding and compassionate the entity is, especially with their questions they even apologized for being insensitive when they tested MC's conviction. I honestly like this unique sort of character, the story is intriguing and feels very complete despite the short time. Good job with this!

You've made such a lovely cast of friends, I love reading through it and I'm glad you were able to convey the fun and playful interactions between them~

I'll be honest, at first I was annoyed at the maid for spending the money. But then with all the back and forth talk I noticed that while the maid spent the money irresponsibly, she was able to make contact with the owner and assist her master. 

Though her approach was pretty much head turning and suspicious, I'm surprised everything worked out well lmao.

I'll have to give it to him, Ezrira is quite the interesting person. I love how unhinged he is but has the face of someone who seems unbothered and cooly detached while also a chatterbox who's just excited in gaining as many friends while also accomplishing his selfish desires.

It was interesting how I agreed on his normalcy concept because it's true. Morals such as good conduct are all perpetuated by those in control or who we perceive to be in control such as the concept of religion.

I also like how vaguely human shaped he is while also just unapologetically showing off the modifications that are on the already oddly shaped body. I feel like if MC stuck around with Ezrira it would be just the biologist rambling excitedly to MC with concepts that are twisted in his head while MC just looks at their companion going "My god dude, you are weird but a cool weird" lmao.

Spoilers down below~!

I remember playing this demo some time ago and by that time I was confused on what was happening and why the plot was this way. But so far, you really sold the dreary and bleak atmosphere. I like how it feels slow and boring at the first part and the pure monotonous progression shows MC's further mental state.

I like the twist at the end especially with the test scenes where we can be able to gather the real role MC has and how it goes against the traditional roles of what MC and the LI have which is very intriguing to see it in a different POV.











I have to say! I had an inkling on what the "roommate" was but I really like how we really see the thriller aspect of yanderes and how their obsession is downright terrifying when not in the lens of their love interest. I also like how you can see the roommate hesitating in the test scenes to take MC's life but in the Bad End in the actual game, you can see that the Roommate didn't even hesitate in answering the questions and a lackluster response. Probably the shock of killing someone faded overnight.

Really hoping we see more lore from the Roommate and seeing MC's mind work overdrive to outsmart the murderous killer. Great work!

Hello! Oh god now it's my turn to apologize for replying late. Anyway, AAAAA I'M SO HAPPY THAT SOME OF MY RAMBLING OF THEORIES STUCK TO THE WALL! I'm  no Matpat but I love theorizing so I must have been so happy when you confirmed some of my theories that I just... forgot to reply? Oops--

Anyway, I'm so happy you liked some of my theories (I'm brain rotting over Leighton and MC's relationship no matter what kind of relationship they are because Leighton is so bby to me even tho he can and will kill me) and don't worry about it not being a demo game! I honestly am just really happy with the VN as is and I'm just pumped to be able to learn more about Leighton and by extension the atrocities he committed. 

(Poor MC, let's hope we survive together bestie!)

I'm looking forward to the main game itself, but don't feel too pressured! I understand there are real life events going on so go at your own pace (~ 0w0)~ Again, really enjoyed my time playing the VN! 

Hope you have a nice day~!

Ah no wonder! It gave me a lot of novel vibes which I found enjoyable, I like the progression of how you became used to formatting text for visual novels (since I literally played through your vns apologies if I spammed you ":)) ) but I still found that despite the weirdness of the overall text, I enjoyed the overall theme and message conveyed!

Still, kudos for your development and improvement! 

Honestly this was so cool. One of the things I was stuck on is WHY Purple (the purple haired girl) has a gun. They're in a hotel, so why does she have a gun unless she brought it with her for safety. But why so? Don't they trust one another even online? MC makes it a point to say that they're both the same being trans lesbians but for some reason as soon as MC possibly went out for her shell to meet up with Purple (metaphorical or literal) she instantly turns on MC with a gun she brought. I'm assuming that deep inside purple she never once trusted MC (which, fair given it's the online world but wow is it unfair in this scenario) but not just that, she uses degrading and offensive language to refer to MC even though MC herself doesn't seem to be overly aggressive towards Purple. 

It all seems rather hypocritical of Purple to do so, especially when we can see that MC still has her rationality as evidence that she can communicate and even joke about what's going on, yet Purple won't lower her defenses and think of MC. It's quite interesting and sad to see so.

Woah, a lot of thought went into designing Azazel which is really cool, I love seeing your reasoning in adding parts of Azazel's design and their actual purpose not just in the story but also in real life. That's so cool!