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(1 edit)

I knew you can't trust dark wood, sigh...

This game is cute, it was made with so much love. Also is very impressive that you keep a series going, it very nice to have such a personal project keep going after so much time.

On the game itself: I like how short and smooth the game is, I had no problem finishing it, but the quest with the eyes could make some problems (3 of them have spawned outside the screen on the top of the level, good thing that my "spider-sense" kicked in and I did some random shouting up there.

Good stuff dude, keep making art.

Also dude, take some care of your page, you can play with some colors and 
backgournds, it will add  more charm to your creations.

Thanks for playing! And thank you very much for the kind words. I'm glad you enjoyed it.

Ahhh, I'd love to spruce up my pages. It's just one of those things I never have time to do. I end up using all my spare time to complete the games, and then just barely make the deadline! Next time I'm too busy to do a jam, I'll try and squeeze in some time to clean up my pages and other stuff. (My animated avatar is one of those little projects that I planned for a long time, but took forever to get to.)