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I love the game as well when it comes to the animals, but for the horses, this is what Hayo said about it:

I don't know xD There's always something else to do and those stallions are just being pushed away every time. But I'll put them... eventually.

Since the next update on his twitter/pateron seem to have the rats mention based on the picture of the wererat, he might be adding those next as well as anything else he can put into for the next version when it is released on for the public.

Actually I found some time and I probably implement them in 0.11

I would be looking forward to them, and the horses can be a mount that allows you to travel to places faster which can save time going to certain things that are only can be interacted with during Day or Night.

That's the plan

(1 edit)

Ok, and also, maybe in the future near the end of the main story quests, there can be an opportunity to have a feral dragon as a mount? The genders of the animals and other characters can be either Male-Herm, Male, Herm, or Female for each of them.

Also, there can be about 4 different ways to get a mount, buying it, doing enough quest for the owner to give it to you, do sexual stuffs enough time with it, or use certain items enough time to get it.