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1. i am ty!!

2. I haven't joined a jam bc I was scared but I thought it looked interesting!! I wanted to challenge myself by doing something new!! it was my sister who is pushing me more but now i'm more excited abt this.

3. I love... games like stanley parable and pokemon and games by kitty horrorshow... lots of other horror games as well but cant list from th top of my head make me want to make my own..! or at least games with some creepy but effective elements. OR i want to make people cry

4. no..! but my sister and I are currently trying to figure out Unity and we are gonna check out some other programs to familiarize ourselves with. its so foreign but so so so interesting to play around with something new to me like this

5. good music & good stories

(hi j)

TYR!!!!! i didnt know u liked kitty horroshow omg....... are u gonna make a horror game...

omg.... helo tyr.....!! i'm eyeballin at kitty horrorshow too omg i'm excited to see what you guys do!? unity has a lot of nice stuff for getting started also :Oc if you're goin 2D i think a lot of ppl are doin gamemaker also.