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Bro im sick of this game there's soo much sweats, today I thought I would play a chill match on my tablet, nope! I get paired with a bunch of noobs. The other team? Well of course they get 2 try hards and a rly annoying bow 3 spammer.

And pro king? Get a name! That's the most unoriginal name I have ever heard. And bro is such a sweat. What's worse? He spams!

ma man
Ma Man I feel u so much...
The only way to figth them is to stay and hope they leave unfortunately


Shut up dude

who even r u, a spammer?

Fuck you

bro chill

And drink tea

This is bad, don't say this again


I love you


CHILL and drink 🫖 



Message from uchi: i love you too UwU

new ppl are annoying, or are they?
*Vsauce theme*
We allready had smn acting like that

wut de

Bro CHILLL and drink tea

thats all my little bro got?

Bro CHILLL and drink tea

thats kinda mean…

fr I tried that it didn't work

He's a classic sweat with only fearless bow lol

(1 edit)

if thats the real pro king, please dont say rude things abt him, hes not a sweat either...

u mean dont say rude things? 

ye, oops

idt it is, judging by the skin.

do you want to join my clan UCH


it's not the real pro king

tbh ye taking from someone who been playing for almost 2 years it’s not that many ops left

if you're sick of it stop playing

bro i try but i love to destroy