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2̲↯ Razgriz

A member registered May 21, 2023 · View creator page →

Recent community posts

i joined SC around july-aug this year fyi

i still am.
i haven't seen anyone else though

lel imagine hacking a medieval archery fps

yall beestorm got banned off n1

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imagine getting banned off n1

no offence taken. i myself hate it when ppl do it.

idt it is, judging by the skin.

the post has been out for 2 days so there’s no way j&j didn’t notice

guy wants to make n1 p2w

me and hot dog man were discussing smth like this yesterday, but instead of teams it was clans

yoji is cracked lol

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how to do it

Works for most of the seasonal gears

by changing the date to 24/12 you can get the christmas stuff early

Gonna be gone until wed (overseas)

fake dragonair?

Found on dc. Posted this image here a while ago

one of the reasons I barely play there anymore



Spotted a fake zestydover today on m8m6 (image by snadow, same person)


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because it is


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Talent 7, apparently

what is blud doing

Finally, after 7 months:

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Almost there…


30580 coins left ig
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Narrow One Summer Tournament:

KuroKur0KurO wins against Ricardo 20-10 in finals

proof that the average age of the playerbase is lowering every day

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was gonna do an image search but ig you beat me to it


Does anyone have a link to the SC discord server? I cant find it in comments.

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I just passed 10k

Since 1 kill = 1 coin that's 10k coins from kills alone


More than halfway there

Head or torso (only for looks)?

same, i lost 4.8k elo bcs of this

3.6k elo but a horrible kd

Hello itch