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I quite enjoyed playing this! At first, the gameplay felt pretty simple and I thought the "bonked your head" animation was a little tedious, but once I realized how I could use the side looping to time my jumps, the game really kicked off for me and I was hooked! I now think the penalty for getting hit is perfectly timed to increase the stakes and makes things feel challenging but fair.

I really like how you started layering in different types of platforms and enemies as you climb higher-- that disappearing platform on level 15 really tripped me up! The jumping felt very smooth without feeling too floaty and I appreciate you adding controller support. The graphics and music really served the ambiance well. I thought the vertical scrolling effect and the parallax of the background was really polished. Awesome job!

That's great feedback, I should make it more obvious there is a horizontal wrap around...  Thanks for your nice words!