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Can you explain what was unclear about the backpack?
Was it the interaction between bags and items (aka did you try to place items on spaces where you did not yet have a bag?) or was it something else? Would love to hear the issue because that is something we would want to fix going forward :)

Glad you had fun at least and thanks for the review ! :)


I'lll try to explain. Usually when I play games I don't read the "How to" so and if I do I do not read it thoroughly, keep that in mind :)

So the first thing that happened when you start a level is that you get presented a shop and the first thought is to buy something. It looked like I was suppose to click on stuff. I hovered over a weapon, chose the one that I thought was fitting and that was cheap enough to buy and then I clicked it. Nothing happened! Then I double clicked it, nothing happened. And then I clicked on the lock thingy and thought, no that might be for something later. And then I clicked play. 

So I started the game without buying a weapon, it made the game a bit slower but I wouldn't know because I hadn't played it before. So that is the first possible improvement, you could force the player to buy something in the start. Or present a dialogue "Are you sure you want to start the game, you haven't purcase a weapon yet?" if you want to have it as an option to not buy anything. 

Then if you started to play and won the first wave you have to choose a backpack and here is where I got stuck. I chose a backpack and then what? I think I tried to place the weapons inside the backpack but inside the "chest area". Maybe something like this?

Is there a reason that you can drag around the items in this area however you want? 
I can even drag them to the reward area:

When I drag an item that is too big to my backpack, I get no indication. This could maybe be shown with like red tiles or something :
However, it is not that much of an issue if you learn how it works you can use the lines around the backpack and easily see if it will fit or not. 

After you choose a backpack, you currently have to place it before you can continue playing. You might want to force the player to make that collection (force the player to always hold the backpack and let the player sort weapons after the backpack has been placed next to another).

This might help you a bit. But don't overhthink it, a big part was me just being a bit stupid :P

Btw  I messed around a bit in the shop and noticed some other stuff. You can sell your starting knife and then play. The game does not really work without a weapon :) I switched out my sword with a shield. Did not really work with only a shield either.

I wonder if you might want to start with a weapon, the character has a sword in the sprite so you could use that. A default weapon that you cannot change and is not affected by the backpack logic. Then when you win the first wave, you choose your first backpack and continue from there. Would solve some issues but might not be what you want. 

Hope this helps in some way!


This helps amazingly and should win the award for best response/review in the entire game jam !

We should for sure explain some more in game because I bet you are not alone in not reading out of game explanations.
For the game jam we didn;t have time to implement this all (which is also why you got stuck with the backpack placement, that part was just not thought out enough). Selling your weapon or starting with only a shield will "brick" your game since you cannot beat the level so that is a very valid concern too.

Again, thanks so much for this in depth review !