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Great game, everything works as expected and the physics is fun! Fruit cutting is incredibly precise and they are all dynamic. Had a blast messing around with them and shooting watermelon everywhere.

Main menu could be improved a bit, and maybe giving some randomness to the fruit weight and spawn order would increase the replay value of it.

5% tolerance might be a bit too hard to get after you start having multiple fruits to cut, or either time is too short.

I see this mainly as an android game, I'll wait for it if planned!

Thank you very much!! I already tried an iOS build to check how it would look, and it works quite nice. However, the finger (while slicing) covers the fruit and is quite hard to precisely cut :( 

I'll experiment a little bit more to see how it could work in a better way!


Ah I see. Might be worth trying to add an offset, so the touch is above the finger instead of under It.