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(1 edit) (+1)

Although it took me some time to know what is going on, I eventually got a hang of it. I especially liked the part where you jumpscared the shit out of me with that face. Now i will surely have sound dreams :)
jokes apart, I felt that the tutorial was too much of an information overload. Also most of the time I died when my insanity level was only at mid. Is that supposed to happen? And in the shark minigame, a lot of the time the sharks didn't die when I clicked on them. 
Overall, quite a good game, a solid 5 on the Innovation category.

Thanks for playing a providing feedback! Dying in this game is based on two factors: your insanity bar, and the dead flowers that you have(my dumb self should've stated this about the flowers). If all of your flowers die you automatically lose. In hindsight, I made the shark hitboxes too small. I tried to make the tutorial short and to the point. I'll work on making better tutorials in the future. 

Once again, thanks for playing!

That's totally fine, considering the state in which I submitted my game in, yours is far better :D