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Tough decision, but well-handled; stepping back as a fan/cultist, you built up that it was gonna happen, making the moment more effective. Regret that comes well-written is the best kind of regret. And the way it effects 77< is, to paraphrase, fishtastic. Also, I can see Hackett hacking it more, but feel his, uh, presence holds it own, ahaha!*

Being able to catch-up with the cast we don't get to sign as much time on via interviews is kinda giving me the vibe of a TIPS menu, a feature I love seeing in VN. I've got a lot more thoughts, but in short - my method (which is gut-hunches) tells me you're doing good, pal!

*i just hope she can pay those things off, student loans are.........


Hmm, a tips menu? You mean like the characters giving you hints or something?



In Higurashi, there was a feature called the TIPS menu; it comprised of random one-off scenes, scenes shot from another character's perspective, and items (newspaper clippings, etc) from the world. It's been ages since I read Higurashi, but I remember it being a really cool way to add atmosphere that wouldn't have fit in the main story.

But really, anything you have in mind sounds good by me - and that sounds like a pretty cool idea, too! (Although, we're getting to the point that, uh, I'll admit I might end up leaning on the characters for help more often than not.. :P )


Ah, I see. That does sound cool. I've been meaning to play Higurashi ...