#BeyondRetrievai development is going extremely well. At this rate, the game is going to be done by the end of the year. Here is a list of thing what is finished and what still needs to be done:
- World map - 9 out of 10 areas done - Tagaro weapons - 15 out of 15 done - Holler weapons - 3 out of 15 done - Ilok weapons - 7 out of 15 done - Magics - 15 out of 15 done - Main boss fights - 10 out of 10 done - Side boss fights - 2 out of 18 done
The demo is available on https://mmm.itch.io/beyond-retrieval so check it out and tell me what you think. Every feedback is welcome. Or if you wish to support my work you can visit this page and find out more about the ways you can help MMM Games grow https://mmmfree2dwindowsgames.blogspot.com/p/game-maker.html
And also, you can join in MMM Games Discord community on https://discord.gg/6qJfhCx