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The thing I like the most about your game is the basic mechanics. I think you nailed them. They are simple yet they allow for so many interesting puzzle ideas. Also big compliments to the minimalist style, really fits the game. The control were also very responsive, which I liked. As for some feedback, with regards to control I personally would have liked to have the basic movement + jump on the arrow keys and space, and have the mechanics on other buttons. I think I would be confused less often and I think it would also allow faster button combinations, and thus allow for more different level designs. Feedback with regards to level design and the main mechanics, I think you could have utilized the mechanics in more ways before introducing collectable orbs that open doors. For example, inflating in mid air and having different final locations for the characters were more ingenious puzzle aspects and I was hoping to see some other cool puzzle elements. I hope I am not sounding too critical because in the end I think you did a reallyy good job! Congratz:)

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for your feedback. I really appreciate and respect your criticism, it gives me more insight into what players really think. I will definitely take your notes into account when finalizing the game.