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Interesting game, not exactly my cup of tea, as I hate reading, but it seems like the game was balanced in an interesting way that forced you to make decision based on critical data.

One thing I noticed is that all the buttons colliders were in weird places when I fullscreen the game on my ultrawide monitor (21:9). It worked on my 16:9 tho. Might want to make your UI reponsive for any size of screen.

Hope that helps a little bit :)


Ahh thank you for the feedback on the UI. We thought we had it sorted as we had issues during testing but clearly not!

Funnily enough I'm not massively into these kind of games either, I enjoy the strategy genre itself as a whole. But we thought it would be a good starting point to ensure we could try and get a project over the line due to being our first complete game :)

Reducing scope to something you can handle in a certain timeframe is a really good skill to acquire, kudos on that. If it was more of a in real time management thing, like in Frost Punk or Timberborn, it would be more my type of game, but that definetly takes more then a month to implement :P