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(1 edit)

Hey Game Developers! Thanks for the heads-up on the game, Interstellar Logistics. I gave the initial version a shot, and the fade-in/out effect is pretty cool, but I get it – glitches happen. Coding can be a rollercoaster, right? No worries about the setback; we've all been there.

By the way, speaking of efficient systems, I recently came across this interesting article on 'Green Logistics & Supply Chain: Explore Best Strategies To Improve Our Future' It dives into some fascinating strategies that might be relevant to your development process. Just thought I'd share since we're all navigating the complexities of systems, be it in gaming or logistics.

First off, kudos for the transparency in updating us on the mix-up and providing the correct link. I'll definitely check out the updated version. As for the malfunction, I feel your pain. Debugging can be a maze. For the script issue, consider breaking down the problem, maybe reaching out to the community for insights. Stack Overflow has saved me more times than I can count!

Remember, the journey matters as much as the destination. Your dedication shows, and I'm excited to see the full game when it's ready.