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oh sorry i saw this so late! 
Yes just about! 
If you've already visited a tile (so the terrain is known) and there's no other icons on it (Like an old enemy, or a village or a quest that kind of thing) then you roll for an event. If you roll an odd number, do the event! (if you've already done it, do the even event below it or nothing if you want) If you roll an even number then nothing happens you basically skip a day, right to camping. Check out page 5!
It looks more complicated than it is, it's just a bunch of what if statements to cover all the possible scenarios. You'd be looked at "Old Tile Without Icon".  Hope this helps!


Ah no worries, you replied really quick! That makes sense—I’ve been keeping track of the map and  character sheet in Procreate so keep forgetting to refer to the little action map. Thank you!