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There is an intended solution?


intended solution for RPS:

given the fact one always wins if they takes 0 damage, we can set up R with 1 defense, P with 2 attack and super low hp, S with 1 attack and super high hp

intended solution for ABCD:

given the fact that fight ties if both sides can't damage each other or both sides die in the same turn

we can set up A and C with high defense so that they can't hurt each other

B and D with low hp so that they otk each other

modify their stats to form a loop

I forgot the intended solution for ABCDE

(1 edit) (+1)

ABCDE is similar to RPS, with two high hp heroes, two high defense heroes, one high attack hero, and more adjustment

(2 edits) (+1)

my solution for RPS: 

high hp for R, attack for S<(R hp)/2, defence for P>0 and <(S att)

I will use my equations to achieve the intended solution

this demonstrates how hard it is: