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No gallery. I've been trying to make one, but with the amount of images and paths, I've been struggling to make one that's not too heavy on performance nor too much manual work. If I only had an intern I could force it on...

Also, yeah, I feel you. The demon stuff is risky, but I'm hoping it will pay out for those who will stick with the game despite it.

(6 edits)

I think the main issue with the supernatural stuff in this game is that you fail to establish this element early on and the plot just out of nowhere does a 180°, deciding it's now not a "realistic" school sim anymore but is having fantastical elements. And yes the quotation marks doing some really heavy lifting there.

If you want a suggestion:

I'd have a the intro start in the MC's childhood (~age 12) when he does some ritual that summons Lilith during which she implants a seed of her powers "which is nurtured by the fall of those around you" (to establish that "more corruption" = "more powers") into him and announces him her "future champion" (to establish that he doesn't fuck around as a minor which is an implication I'd rather avoid). 

After coming of age he'd start using the powers, spreading corruption - and his cum - basically wherever he walked but I'd skip over that at this point to not make the intro drag.

As he becomes older and eventually a teacher he starts to use those powers both less and when he'd do so in a more subtle way to motivate, Lilith being not happy about the distinct lack of classroom orgies she hoped for uses her influence over you and your students to remedy that situation - which will be the reason for your firing. 

And lastly you could have him start having dreams about Lilith - now calling him her champion instead of future champion - at the start of the game in his first few nights at the academy, so that when she finally shows up in the flesh the first time as you proceeded far enough with one of the girls he realizes that she is real and it weren't mere dreams, but him not quite making the connection that it was her who ruined his life or for quite how long he actually was in contact with her, which I'd slowly sprinkle in, showng how by the time he was 18 he obviously forgot about all the ritual etc, Lilith spectating from the shadows as he spreads corruption around his college and private life, using her gifts subconsciously and spreading corruption around without really knowing what he is doing and continuing to do so as he  grew older with Lilith being pleased with herself and your progress until finally him realizing that it was her who got you fired - maybe that last part only on the good path tho as a final piece of motivation to get rid of her. 

Not bad, not bad. I might end up stealing an idea or two from your suggestions. Hopefully I'll get around to it after an update or two.

The demon does appear to the protagonist once in a dream before a cabin event with a student should occur - if not, then something got bugged... It's never skipped it for me when I've playtested the game, but it's too easy for a dev to miss bugs as we tend to have a path we prefer when we play. Still, I agree that it's not enough foreshadowing and that the intro already should have something that indicates some supernatural elements might be at play.

As said, the dream happened, but it came AFTER Jen's demon event for me. 

That's why the idea of just having the demon as part of the intro - this way the plot is established to have supernatural elements, she and her motifs are established early on and it is clear to the player that she is a central element of the story.

That's good to know, I need to double check the logic behind the cabin events, so they'll no longer pop up before the demon nightmare.