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Not bad, not bad. I might end up stealing an idea or two from your suggestions. Hopefully I'll get around to it after an update or two.

The demon does appear to the protagonist once in a dream before a cabin event with a student should occur - if not, then something got bugged... It's never skipped it for me when I've playtested the game, but it's too easy for a dev to miss bugs as we tend to have a path we prefer when we play. Still, I agree that it's not enough foreshadowing and that the intro already should have something that indicates some supernatural elements might be at play.

As said, the dream happened, but it came AFTER Jen's demon event for me. 

That's why the idea of just having the demon as part of the intro - this way the plot is established to have supernatural elements, she and her motifs are established early on and it is clear to the player that she is a central element of the story.

That's good to know, I need to double check the logic behind the cabin events, so they'll no longer pop up before the demon nightmare.