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A member registered Apr 11, 2021 · View creator page →

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The public release will be in exactly one week. So, next Thursday.

Well, good that you caught yourself early rather than later :D And no worries, there's plenty of good adult games out there to try, heh.

You're not alone in that, heh - I might have to add a new stage to Natalie's hints to guide players in this.

Have you recruited Serena yet? If not, you'll need to follow Serena's hints first and then build the greenhouse through her.

If you have recruited her, but the research menu is empty, we'll have to debug this a bit further :D

Heh, thank you for the cheering and the support <3 means a lot to me.

They should slowly become available as you keep the girls working, but the 0.07 update will make it a lot clearer - it will show all the scenes available per room and what's required to unlock them.

And most rooms have general events that are the same for everyone, but there are personal events as well. Not a lot as of yet, but I'm going to add a lot more.

Thank you! :)

But yeah, some of the scenes in the game might be a bit tricky to find - some of it is by design as I like the idea of players stumbling onto new things. I know it's really annoying to the completionists though, so I'm sorry, heh. The yoga stretch is a short alternative scene which happens if you turn Nanako down in the intro. As for Hermione's upskirt, it's also in there. You'll need to peep on Hermione in the toilets, under the stall door, and her corruption has to be 30 or greater.

Heh, thanks for the cheer!

Hmm, either you've missed the receipt on the shop's floor or you need to talk to officer Janet about her flashlight and go back to the third toilet stall. You can always check the walkthrough file that's in the download section if you're stuck!

Hmm, yeah, I'll try to balance the game to feel more rewarding. The stat checks in the game are pretty low-end as well, so they should be pretty easy to reach if you just play naturally, but yeah, I understand your point :) I'll work on it!

What scenes? If you mean the club scenes, just have them work in the club and they'll slowly start opening. The next update will make the requirements clearer.

There should we a walkthrough text file in the game folder, and there's a separate one available to download on this game's download page :) Hope those will help!

Yeah, that's totally understandable. Hopefully they're good people :D

Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you're liking the game!

Hmm, I'll take a look at Lily's and Hermione's coffee date scripts - there are probably some minor errors (I've probably mistyped something) that cause the game to throw an error to the player.

As for Anna, there isn't much indeed. She'll have a personal storyline eventually, but I'm focusing on fleshing out the club and school gameplay first. Same goes for Olivia, she doesn't have a lot to her, but certainly more than Anna. Both will get coffee dates and more story content once I'm done with other parts I'm currently busy with.

I can't give you any specific dates, but rest assured, vulgarity, slow corruption and depraved acts are the goals :D

It's a false positive....I think and hope at least. It's happened before and for some reason it's back again:

I just updated the RenPy engine to a newer version, so I suspect the new version is again being flagged without a cause.

Probably not - everything is pre-rendrered. If it makes you feel any better, his size does grow as you play along... :D So, it'll become more bearable to you as you play.

1. There's only light femdom in the game, so if you're into hard femdom, like ball busting etc, I'm sorry to disappoint. But as for soft femdom, I suppose at least Cindy would count. Also Natalie has some femdom-ish scenes in her storyline. In Samantha's storyline a side character has a femdom-ish scene if your character is submissive. The main story has a few in your cabin, one with Nanako and one with someone I'd rather not spoil.

3. Ah, that just marks the end of content for her. I can see now that it can be a bit confusing, heh. Sorry about that :D

5. Not yet! And not for a few updates at least since I'm working on club and school mechanics, plus adding more content to the management game loop.

The beta is out now, so depending on how much there's to fix, I think it'll take about 2 weeks or a bit more until the public release.

Thanks for the love<3

1. Right now there aren't too many femdom scenes and the femdom stat doesn't affect much. There are plans for having more content "gated" behind stats, but I feel like there should be enough content to play through without it feeling a grind.

2. Well, if you've encountered the demon in the cabin for three times, the main quest should progress (though Jennifer's cabin scene seems to be a bit bugged and sometimes plays twice for reasons unknown). The demon will mainly play a part in the story and unlocking more lewd things in the game.

3. Hmm, I can't really say without knowing a bit more. What does your journal hint for her say?

4. I'll be releasing the next update as a beta on Patreon/SubscribeStar today or tomorrow. If it's all good, it'll hit public release in a couple of weeks.

Thank you :) and the link's on the game page, but here it is as well:

Thanks! And ah, sorry for the confusion :D

1. It's currently not possible to unlock the lewd options. Those will be made available in the update after the next one. The next two updates are first overhauling club mechanics and then adding new rooms etc.

2. She also cannot yet be recruited, but that might indeed be where it is heading, heh.

Hmm, if you help Shirley to pick her lingerie and tell her to pick the strapped lingerie, AND you choose anything but "Hold on to the favor", she'll eventually send you a picture of her wearing it. That's all for it for now unfortunately :)

Thanks for the kind feedback! And a gallery is definitely something I'll be wanting to add eventually.

I've actually tried a few solutions, but either they've been ridiculously heavy to run or too much manual labor, that I've so far been pushing it to the future. Alas, I'll get it done. One day.

You'll also be gaining a lot more money with the new patch. As the girls level up, as your club gains reputation and you level up you rooms, they'll all start adding up to more and more money. So, I don't think it will be a problem unless you feel like you should 100% the club in one week.

And yeah, people have been asking for a gallery/replay feature. Currently only the students' cabin events are replayable, but I'll add one eventually. I've tried a few times, but they've proven quite...heavy to implement if done manually or heavy to run if done programmatically.

Thanks for the feedback!<3

Sadly, that's probably a no for animations. Maybe one day if I can make a living developing this game, so I'll have more time for it or money to pay the animators, heh.

But out of curiosity and if you can still remember, where did  you encounter those crashes? Quite a few always manage to slip into releases without me noticing, but I try to fix all of the ones that are reported :)

There isn't really anything I'd count as NTR yet. Once there is, I'll add the tag.

I mean, as is only one of the girls can even become your girlfriend. In time, all of them will have that option, but alas, it'll take time. Since I'm not really making dirty money off of this, this is just a side hobby for me, so time is precious. Maybe if I get unemployed or Patreon starts printing out money, lol.

Not yet. The next 2-3 updates will be pretty light on story and lewd scenes as they will overhaul the club and school systems as an attempt to actually make the management part meaningful. After those, I can probably add some Lauren content :D some side content, mind you. The main content's either going to be club scenes, Anna's new storyline or another episode for Jennifer.

Hmm, that's a good hint... I'll see if I can replicate the issue by just presenting stuff.

Ah, that's still under development. Sorry to get your hopes up. It will be ready soon though - I'm working on club improvements as it is.

There really isn't any NTR content...yet :D plus it's never gonna be mandatory - you can just hog all the girls to yourself and make them just chat and serve drinks at the club with nothing lewd going on. Well, at least while keeping lewdness at a minimum.

Hmm, odd that it would ever get to that point... Can you roll back or load a previous save?
There should specifically be a safeguard to ensure RenPy would never break there (it checks if the label exists and should go back if it does not), but somehow RenPy still forces its way through and breaks itself :D So, for now I'm afraid I can only suggest rollback or loading a save. That gamestate shouldn't happen, but I'll look into it trying to figure out why it sometimes does.

Maybe it's a platform thing... Are you playing on PC, Mac or Android?

There's a walkthrough .txt file in the game folder, or if you're on Android, there's a separate download on the Itch page :) And on my Discord server's spoiler channel has the walkthrough as well. Also, if you'd rather avoid it all, the court can be skipped if you still have a save from before starting the trial.

Yeah, that just means you've got no more main story content, so you can just do whatever else you want for now.

Cindy probably shouldn't even have a hint, and Bella's hint doesn't ever change... I should really fix those. If you've seen two different bar events for Bella, you've seen it all. And as for Cindy, if her affection and corruption are high enough and you take a girl out for coffee, she might interrupt you. In there, you'll see easily if you've unlocked it all or not.

Umm, the use for the books is a bit WIP. Eventually, you'll be able to read them in your home or the library to advance your stats.

No probs, you didn't come across as rude. Enjoy the game!<3

Thanks a lot for the feedback! And wow, you're not supposed to be able to ask Amanda out for coffee, so that's the reason it bugs out - I'll take a look at it. Lilith is a bit more difficult as I can't just have her go through the same rookie events since it would not really make sense for her.

And generally when the character's journal entry says "IN DEVELOPMENT", there is no more story content for them. But since there's the club and random encounters etc, it can get a bit muddy to know what is out there...

Try downloading the most recent version and see if the bug still occurs. Then again, if you downloaded the game, it should be the most recent version, but I wasn't able to reproduce the error when I downloaded the Win version of the game from Itch just now. So, you might have the one that didn't receive the Natalie hotfix :)

Olivia shouldn't have a second event accessible as it's still WIP... Hmm, I'll try to replicate the issue and see if I can fix it.

Hmm, I thought I fixed the issue, but if it still persists, I'll have to look into it. What platform are you playing on?