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Being unable to do Outerworld did make me focus a lot more on the Tower, which has been very useful. I had sort of forgotten about it.

Was the easy character-related trivia intentional? It has made me learn what each character's motto is. Maybe the trivia will become hard again after the Path of Chaos? Or never? 

Being unable to do Outerworld did make me focus a lot more on the Tower, which has been very useful. I had sort of forgotten about it.

This has been on my mind lately, as I also tend to forget to make use of the tower, thus I've been brainstorming how to bring it into the Outerworld. The main issue is that the tower has an independent progression, so if you are at world level 100, you may still be at tower floor 5, or vice versa. So I might make it available in the Outerworld but without any permanent losses to your party (which is how it works already).

The other option is to just have it flash at certain times in Sanctum; maybe if your current party is around the level of progression where there is a chance to beat that tower floor.

Was the easy character-related trivia intentional? It has made me learn what each character's motto is. 

Unintentional, I originally had the riddle trivia without any names showing for each option, but I wasn't sure if the icons were obvious enough, thus I decided to add the names in for those, however this unintentionally resulted in showing info during character motto trivia also.


I have taken a screenshot of every unlocked character and their motto. 

As long as the mirror of ambiguity can ask me a few obvious riddles, I should be OK.

The end of The Path is in sight. Smoke break. Need some darkness in my lungs to battle the chaos.


I was thinking of game names again.

Sanctum is taken. Soulmancer is taken. Soulmancer's Sanctum of Souls is too long, though it does have three S's which can help for an aesthetically pleasing cover. Sanctum of Souls isn't taken but it was something within Final Fantasy XIV, it also abbreviates to SoS, which is nice. 

Return of the Soulmancer could work as most characters found in the game express their surprise and joy and seeing a soulmancer once again.

Soulmancer Incremental or Incremental Soulmancer could also work, but it puts a literal limitation on the game and could put off potential future players who make an assumption based on the name alone. Also it's a bit stale.

You could always keep the name TBD which allows for the game to take any direction you want in the future. You could come up with a million acronyms for it.

The Battle Dimension

These Buildings of Death

Thick Butts, Damn!