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The art is nice, the sounds are little disturbing to be honest.

I don't  see here 20 seconds gameplay, I felt like it was way longer.

Don't understand what to do how why and where to go... but I manadged to attack enemy 3 times and dodge 3 of enemy attacks and then the game just ends.

Interesting concept, maybe the idea here is to force player to replay the same 20 seconds story to find a perfect ending, but for me it's not very clear how to even control the character and make decisions - it could be way clearer.

(1 edit)

The interesting thing about this game jam is how they don't count cutscenes and menus into the time limit. The only part of the game where the players can make decisions/gameplay would be the 'what would you do?' and the dodging section.

I'll definingly keep this in mind for future game making (this was the first 'outside of school' game jam I participated in.) Thank you for playing.