Nah after "Thank you and the screen goes to white that's the end! Just didn't have enough time to put a "The End" video or something.. Might do that later! Thanks for playing through though :)
And thank you for all of the feedback haha! The final ghost scene is basically as I'm sure you figured out if you touch the ghosts you see the main ghost spawns and kills you (Same happens just before the pit drop with the passive ghosts if you touch them, it's meant to be a subtle hint not to touch them later). It's meant to be a panicky moment when you have to deal with them walking towards you and the random haunts happening where you have to turn off your light. I made sure to reduce the haunt talks down to just one though so you can have escape time still but it is meant to be a little tough!
"and sometimes the red-eyed girl just appears out of nowhere anyways. Wondering if some of the white ghosts aren't showing up when they should be" - Did this happen if you turned your lighter off but torches were turned on?
"- Q, E, Shift no longer working after that cutscene" - That's intentional, it's meant to be a slow somber scene!
Anyway thanks again for playing I think I might go make some final adjustments later on haha!