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(1 edit) (+1)

Notes from gameplay:

- Nice main menu. The font is engaging and I love how choices change color when highlighted

- Nice job with controls details. Self-voicing is weirdly in a different font

- Font for game text could be better. Feels very default

- Past tense feels weird to me for an interactive game, present tense (I enter vs I entered, The paint is crumbling vs the paint was crumbling) inserts readers more directly into the story

- Nice use of overlaid character art on the background

- Great consistent art style!

- The writing overall could be punched up a bit. It feels a bit rushed, and there are grammar/spelling issues which hinder reading. The core thoughts, however, are really interesting and compelling! Eg the scene about looking into other windows introduces some interesting thoughts.

- Issues with tense shifting from past to present and back again (eg I have to find a plumber)

- Cute animation of woman sliding down the hoarding pile

- Nice use of sound effects

- Good use of screen shake when reeling fish in

- Nice mystery established with tlotl

- Overall plot is a bit rambling, improving the writing would make it easier for the reader to go along for the ride

- Figure moving closer is nice scene

- Not many choices for the player

Overall this a great kafka-esque story, but it would benefit from tightening up the writing and inserting more choices for the player. I loved the creepy vibe and surreal tone, but I think a few more branching options along the way would make it more engaging - as is, players mostly just click through the story without much to do. Excellent work with adding sound details to specific scenes!


Thank you for your analysis and paying a lot of attention to details! We're glad you met the woman on the pile.  Some decisions unfortunately were made in a hurry.  We are planning on improving the story.

I think you're off to a really great start - the UI in particular was very clean and well-done. I hope you continue work on this!