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I'll prolly come back when I got more time and write a proper comment detailing my thoughts since I reached the end of content.  This comment tho is just to rant about how hot her body is and how hard it is to find games with this style of body.  I mean mystwood manor had some thick booty but thats about all I can think of aside from cartoon anime stuff.  That booty tho.

The one thing I will expound on tho..  That whole henry part just felt like a sandbox where one could play with her and it didn't matter.  I liked that and even envisioned a lot more added to it with other toys, poses, etc but keeping that as its own thing only loosely connected to the meat of the game for basic context.  I mean you could work some henry scenes into the meat of the game to unlock stuff there or whatever if you wanted but I like that anything I do there doesn't matter.  Hell, I'd of rather it been henry's dream so there could be a plethora of options, both asleep and awake, to play with her and then morning comes and its gone, no impact.  Sounds fantastic to me.

I like the dream idea.

You think it's hard to find games with this style of body? All I see is ridiculously huge boobs and ass. What style of body is always in these games in your opinion? I'm curious.


Boobs yeah, but its hard to find ass like that in 3d games.  Most of the women that have bubble butts in games aren't big fat asses like this one is.  If you've seen this in a bunch of other games then I could use the info so please, share.