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A member registered Jun 29, 2023 · View creator page →

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Yeah I'm having a bit of an issue there, may be recoverable, who knows. Thanks for your concern.

Glad you enjoyed the game

Every 2 to 3 months.

Follow the instructions in the journal.

To get the blowjob you need 70 cock, and 80 mouth desire.

Haven't made any changes to that except that she will re-cloth herself until she has enough corruption level for the exposed body part. That change is a few updates old now.

It's complicated to deal with pre-rendered graphics as it would require computing one picture for every cloth permutation. Layering doesn't work either because light propagation would look strange, requiring the computation of "shadowing" for every cloth permutation. The content code gives access to two "variations" of already present scenes: "Stalker" and "Stockroom Invasion".

This icon: on the right side of the screen.

Next one is for July

Follow the instruction in the journal, you should get all the scenes that way.

Render packs are meant to be viewed outside the game.

Download the "ContentCode.pdf" file it contain all the instructions to get the code. If you have an issue with that, contact me on discord and give me the email used for the purchase.

It's not an outfit, it allow you to see which interaction are available in the bar before unlocking them in the recollection menu.


In the Limping Duck

Peeping: Go at the inn while Agnes is working there, cold night: Complete all the night event, when prompted to play Henry click "yes"

You can open the file with any pdf viewer, your internet navigator should work too.

The content code give access to an alternative path in 2 scenes of the game: "Stockroom invasion" and "Stalker"

When you download the game, you download an archive that you need to extract, then you can play the game. The "ContentCode" download is a pdf manual that explain how to get the code and use it.

If you donate on itch right now, you will receive the content code that gives access to alternative outcomes in 2 scenes of the game. For the other platforms you can check the subscription page where everything is detailed: The next update is planned for July. Saves are compatible between updates.

She automatically put them back.

The "Placeholder" is because I wasn't able to finish the background CG for the update. There is nothing to do at the harbour yet.

I'm glad you enjoyed the update.

(1 edit)


We discovered this morning that this is not possible atm, you would need to increase your cock corruption level to 6. You can see the variation from the gallery, I'll fix this next patch.

You can't download the game from the launcher, use the website.

(1 edit)

Any error message? Which platform are you using?

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I'd love to.

(1 edit)

Indeed, that looks weird. Thanks for the report.

Thanks for the reports.

I don't plan to add name customization for the characters relations.

(1 edit)

No, content code is only for patreon and subscribestar sub for this update.

My bad I forgot to add it to the cut in, you can hear the smack back if you tick the "Don't show fast interaction" option in the bar stats menu (in the limping duck)

Generally no, however if you donated $5 here hit me up on discord with the email used for the purchase I'll send you the code.

Okay, there might be an issue with your antivirus interfering with the runtime. Try adding the game to an exception list. Rest assured, the game does not contain any malware. This is a rather common false-positive for Unity-based games:

Any error message?

I update every 2 months, and it's better to keep the next batch of content as a surprise ;)

At the moment the best option is to sub for 1 month on Patreon or Subscribestar when an update drop. If you have done a $5 donation in the last 30 days on itch send me a message on Discord with the mail used for the purchase and I'll send you the update.

The price is for the Patreon/Subscribestar user, I don't sell early access on itch, sorry for the confusion. Send me a private message on discord with the email used for the purchase and I'll send you the update.

Eventually, yes, however this is a slow corruption game so it could take a few versions.

Ok, can't help you much, make sure you follow these instructions exactly.

• Right-click the app  
• Click Show Package Contents  
• Open the Contents folder  
• Open the MacOS folder  
• Open a new Finder window.  
• Go to your Applications folder.  
• Open the Utilities folder  
• Open Terminal  
• Type in (without the quotes) "chmod +x " 
• Go to the first Finder window without hitting enter in Terminal  
• Drag the file with the same name as the app (and without an extension), and drop it into the Terminal window.  
• Click on the Terminal window and hit enter.

On which platform are you playing? Do you have any error message to share?

No penetration.