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Hey again, I have a other a weird glitch that let's you run twice as fast and if frame perfect it can cause a crash. Another one is if you spam enter on the title screen you can crash the game or bug out the audio. I have a Chrome OS so I was already surprised when i was even able to run the game. My glitches might stem from this.

Running twice as fast???? What version did you download? No joke tho your system seems to attract these hidden glitches. I never heard of that would love to see it for myself.

I run a model xe500c13 Samsung chrome book on the html version of the game. Linked here is some of the glitches. At the end I just found out you can double dash if you do the first glitch then dash again. I can't really pull it off though, I am not use to keyboard and mouse.

Ohhh ye I think I know what ur talking about now, someone on our discord also figured that one out recently, pretty interesting. Thx for the recording.