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A member registered Jun 17, 2021 · View creator page →

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I run a model xe500c13 Samsung chrome book on the html version of the game. Linked here is some of the glitches. At the end I just found out you can double dash if you do the first glitch then dash again. I can't really pull it off though, I am not use to keyboard and mouse.

Hey again, I have a other a weird glitch that let's you run twice as fast and if frame perfect it can cause a crash. Another one is if you spam enter on the title screen you can crash the game or bug out the audio. I have a Chrome OS so I was already surprised when i was even able to run the game. My glitches might stem from this.

I think I got bad luck man, it has happens  to me a few times. But I did enjoy the game.

hey is it a bug when you kill the red spiky dudes and die if you jump on the side of there head? They die but you die too?