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A member registered Aug 07, 2022 · View creator page →

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haha yes, I dont blame you at all. The level design is quite questionable at some sections

whats the invincibility frame for when u die in one hit anyways? lol

The artstyle is so lovely. Despite it being pixelart it actually stands out to me, its really well made. And the gameplay is super fun, the comically long snake coming out of the ufo really got me, and the entire concept of the game is so fun. I am really impressed by this. Great work its a 10/10 for me. Also the music is funny

Dude wtf this game is actually so much fun. The concept and story behind it is ridiculously charming, it has so much personality, really incredible what y’all were able to do with this. Congrats!

Great game man, the art is amazing, and so is the music!

yo dope game id play it again!

Balls of steel

its not, you can still download it. mario wonder is the one that got removed (u can still play it with the wayback machine website)

same one, u can have cheats

if u wanna still be able to play through the different levels check out this mod that lets u teleport to every level

theres a dive mechanic, check out the page where it explains the controls

goodgis removed the demo, this is my only source of happiness, thank you

goddamn the music is so annoying, and the movement is horrible, im glad you took the characters and made an actual good game with it lmao. great dev!

this could work very well as a Metroidvania, oh and also you should play as a little bee


yes from the other comments


love u too

so random

this is dope, the render is so good I thought its actually real and handmade

hey, ye I think u played one of the demos I released back then, cool u came back. also its not open source, the project file is just available for others to mod. Open source would mean everyone can take it and have full rights to it, meaning they could make their own game and sell it, which I do not support.

press “up”

gotta pay respect to the legend

no I cannot make a gimp file, either u drag everything into gimp. or u can just easily copy that image u was referring to, and paste it into gimp. then just downscale it and remove the background with the magic wand tool (add back the needed colors later on)

nintendo, but also its still playable with the wayback machine, just enter the link and find a date that has a snapshot

dayum I just realized I made animal well before animal well came out

dude wth why she got big melons😭

yeah man ur work just has gotten better and better

(1 edit)

cool game, im impressed u took ur time adding settings for a gamejam game lol.

Also its such a simple game, but you did a great job at gamifying it, idk how to explain it, but if feels like a retro game, maybe its the simple little animations u added on the eyes, or the transitions being stuttery and making the color palette darker just like how old nes games did it.

dude this is dope, actually unique and looks usable


time to barb 😎

(2 edits)

graphics remind me a lot of this specific gamejam game by another youtuber:

(mainly the 3d models turned into a PNG) image.png


try a different browser. or maybe ur system is just too old to be supported, I just know thats a thing, dk if thats true in ur case. cant think of anything else sadly ;((

man please put on some actual screenshots of your game to the page ;///

who is gonna tell him

no more updates

thank you so much funny guy, I appreciate that fr😍

For sure, that’s totally fine, u can even sell the course with the assets(just not the assets themselves). Mainly just credit where it’s due, but tbh nothing is stopping you from just not crediting at all. I don’t really care.