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First off, I love the gameshow vibe you were going for. The premise was simple, but the gameplay has good replayability because of the randomization of the bomb locations. I was constantly tense with the timer running out and still hearing the ticking noise of a bomb stowed away somewhere. The audio design is  perfect and the graphics are great. I didn't experience lag or bugginess, but I did crash on one of my attempts for some reason. On one of the runs, I checked every single corner, every nook and cranny, but the one place I didn't check was the fucking ceiling, and the moment I exited the room a bomb hiding above me exploded LMAO that shit made me chuckle. Great job on this. Again, presentation is great and you executed your mechanics well.

I made it to room 24 and felt like a god gamer. Please include a high score option lol