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Don't go any further if you don't want details...

This game is amazing, first of all - EASILY in my top 3 AVNs, currently reigning champ. Period.

Yeah, I MIGHT be mad enough at Maven, after seeing what she did to Kana, to break my no kill rule... but I'm DEFINITELY mad enough at that talking tree branch (for sicking DOGS on a two women watching over CHILDREN) to break that rule AFTER taking my time with some good old fashioned stress relief; and I'm not talking about the tickle-happy kind. 

Not gonna lie, Arc... this game sucked me in... good mechanics, GREAT storytelling, moral choices, horror, self questioning... and then joy, love, sensuality, lewdness, hilarity, sensitivity... Seriously, dude, when the MCs kids tackle him with joy and all start crying? Dude... I'm a correctional officer, and you made me f*cking cry! For real? Not ten minutes later I'm ready to go utterly apeshit-medieval on the c*ck-juggling-thunderc*nt (thank you, Ryan Reynolds for that glorious descriptive) that tied my favorite wolf mama to a tree after nearly killing her! That was after freaking out thinking she WAS dead when I found her...

Please pardon the crudeness of my descriptions; doesn't matter how frilly the words, I couldn't convey how I properly feel about this game right now, as I literally just went through all of that. I'm in awe. PLEASE keep this up. I'm not on your Patreon, but I would HAPPILY pay a triple A price here on Itch to see this to its conclusion.

If you're on a team, y'all are heroes.

if you're doing this solo, you must be some kind of AVN God.

Either way, I salute you!


Hey, thanks so much for taking the time to write all that out! It's always humbling when people take time out of their day to write out lengthy (and positive!) feedback for the game so I really do appreciate it :)

Have no fear about me dropping the game - I've been working on it for over four years now, and loved every minute. I intend to see it all the way to its conclusion, and on into the two sequels that I already have extremely rough drafts for!

And yes, it's just me I'm afraid! Although I couldn't do what I do without the incredible and unflagging support from members of the community - especially my tireless mods over on the Discord server, Chris who helps out with bugtesting and answering questions, and everyone here who are just really awesome human beings. All of it keeps me going and keeps me motivated.

So thank you! Solo devs live and die on positive reinforcement, and your message made my day. I'm back from my one-week break tomorrow and I'm feeling fired up! ;)

I'm at lowest tier, but I'm on board... it's not much, but it's what I can do for now... I want to see this through! I'll be over here rooting... and hoping that all my adorable waifus make it out more or less in one piece...

Thank you so much for an incredible journey so far!