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I don't quite know how best to put it, but this game has an incredibly dense and raw feeling of a small American town. At least it captures the kind of imagination about a small American town I am accustomed to since I've never really been to the USA. I don't really know what does it to me: either a very particular kind of boring automobile-centric city planning, or its history, or the kind of warmth and communal spirit, emanating from its residents. But it's just there, and it kinda fascinates me.

That said, the way this game tells its story through encouraging exploration and light puzzle solving is just beautiful. I played through it three times to see the consequences of picking different spots, and it always found ways to pleasantly surprise me. This game has so much heart and human warmth, shining through each character and location. My favorite was the auto mechanic, who I expected to be some kind of important character in one of the stories, but it seemed like she was just there. And each time I visited her, she made me smile.

Great stuff!


Oh, wow.  I'm so grateful for this post.  Literally the most I'd hope to get from making something like this.


Claire, the auto mechanic, can actually be your euchre partner to get the time capsule back from the bar owner if you bury the capsule behind your house in the first part of the game.  You can also take her to get pizza or go to the diner once she's "in your party."  Some people might get Fernando from the pizza shop before knowing that Claire is an option. 

I originally wanted to have several different people around the town who could come along with you for various paths, but the scope of the game was getting too big.  

Seriously, thank you so much for the comments.  Made my day!


I knew it! Thanks for explaining the situation with Claire. Still, I think it is a cool person to hang out with, with puzzle-solving purpose or without.

Also, glad you've liked my comment! It was all sincere.