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This is really cool! There are a lot of great notes that I have from a few times through listening. Firstly, your instrumentation is apt, especially having the melody in the low piano register; that instantly sets up a dark feel for the piece. Contrast that with the high string pads and the sheer distance between creates so much space that it is almost interpreted as tension by itself by the ears. My absolute favorite part is the melody repeat at measure 21 (thanks for including the sheet music!) when the French Horn counter line comes in. That contrapuntal motion when the piano falls but the horn rises to D natural is so good! And then the rest of the line continues to finish out the melody variation strong. The strong pulsing on beats 1, 2+, and 4 feel like a classic boss fight rhythm and gives the sense of fighting despite the sweeping pads and long melody lines. This song sounds a little like the beginning of a new chapter for Nick Schuitemaker, the composer. All production/mastering comments aside, this piece felt a little more real and less robotic than some music produced only with Musescore can sometimes feel. You are definitely on the right track here! Keep up the great work and I look forward to listening to your stuff again in the next one!

Thanks a lot! :D

I actually spent a lot of time improving this song (while I normally make it in a day and submit it instantly), and I took a lot of inspiration from other songs. This song is kinda like a concatenation of all the 'spooky stuff' I know so far! So I'm glad you like it, and I always love to read your in-depth explanation! My mastering has something to improve still, but I'm glad the song itself is appreciated :)