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I thought the premise here was so subtle and clever, with nice little allusions (all the poisonous plant stuff  for example). Gameplay was about as good as harvest moon, which is to say fun and exciting for a little, then pretty redundant. Cutting a few days off some plant growth would be nice. I know they are more advanced crops, which makes sense to take longer in a fully developed game, but in a jam game like this with no real time pressure, it just felt like extra busy work. 

Unfinished, but so many real fun parts. 

Thanks for your comment, Human! I agree with your thoughts, I was aiming for that harvest moon feel but was hoping to break it up with some more character personalities and some nightmare scenes, which is one reason the advanced crops had longer growth periods. Ideally the nightmares would've made taking more time to 'win' the game more dangerous, and while I got those mechanics working I ran out of time to get it polished enough to actually include it in the jam version. I almost lowered the growth periods, but was worried that it would break something that I wouldn't have time to fix so I left them as-is.

I'm happy to hear that you thought it had fun parts even if it's pretty rough, hopefully you'll give the game another try once I get more of it finished. :)