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Any chance you could add a "back" button for mobile? Or atleast some screen controls (like "drag right") to trigger it? I keep accidentally missing content from clicking through new text

and maybe a way to disable the fadeout when clicking? Its ridiculous but its kind of making me feel motion sick trying to play this lol.


There is both a back button and a forward button on mobile, and transition times can be adjusted in the options menu.

strange. I had pressed the 2 arrows before and they neither did anything (I assumed they were meant for modifying the text box since they were placed along with the eye(hide) icon). Seems to be working now though... maybe I just needed to click the hide button a few times to enable them lol.

As for transition time- I'm just plain stupid. Thought "higher percent must mean faster!" And never even tried to lower it (until you mention this which made me realize i was doing something wrong). Thanks for this!

Follow up request. Any chance the buttons could be made bigger? Feels like I'm trying to press the "x" on an ad when I try to hit them lol. 

(1 edit)

You can always open history and go back through history menu if you can’t hit back/forward buttons. History is interactive.