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This is easily the most impressive VN I've ever played. The amount of care put into every facet of the game is staggering. I hope you all take your time with this one.

I do have a question about the relationship standings though. Will it be possible to go from friends -> best friends -> crushes/BFFs -> partners -> fiances only through dialogue options without manually changing relationship standing between Steps? I ask this because I'm a huge sucker for the "best friends suddenly realize they're in love" trope and it would be far more satisfying to watch it play out naturally than to have it take place during a time skip.

Yes I think, because I remember while playing the demo after a dialogue with Tamarack a pin appeared on the screen saying that the relationship changed from friends to best friends.


Thank you for the kind words! And yes, it will be possible to progress the relationship to all different levels entirely during the Steps. But we include the option to swap between Steps for those who don't want to wait for certain scenes or want to imagine some other way of getting together besides what we come up with.