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Hello, thank you for playing this new update!

I just checked the events for the bed, and it seems I missed some lines during the sleep transition that created the bugs you mentioned. I corrected them, but I’ll do more tests to see if there are additional problems.

I'm planning on either having the hard stage minigame give you more gold or earning a significant gold bonus the first time you beat the hard stage. I'm still figuring out which one, but I'll improve the amount of gold you get.

Right now, there are no skills added to the game that you can learn. I have ideas of what to add that fits Eilayda’s ice magic theme, but I’m still implementing them.

The Essence Reflection will most likely be bigger in the future, so the stats you have right now are not the final version. However, they should work for the earlier updates.

I like your idea of adding visuals to indicate getting stronger. I will think about what would look good. Maybe some stars on the place where the seal was destroyed?

I have planned a permanent dungeon you can re-access whenever you like. I didn’t plan to add it for the next minor version update, but I’ll try to do it 😊

I appreciate that you took the time to write your impressions, give recommendations, and report issues. I have a lot planned for the game, and receiving feedback helps me a lot in bringing new ideas to the planning board. 

No problem, that was fast, you find these bugs pretty quickly. 

stars on the place where the seal was destroyed, that sounds pretty cool, would say you can give it a try and get some feedback for it and adapt from there, making it bigger would make it better though maybe make it more unique, maybe in a shape that represents the character or story? 

For the mini games, you could give players a little bonus for doing hard but also allow them to pick the difficulty so they can learn or maybe give up on hard but still able to get the daily mana or coin. You could also make the bed cost less or free after the player does something, maybe a side quest or help around the bar? 

If possible, Would like to request that there be a ending were she leaves with the same purity she arrived with, be challenging but would also be great to finally get that ending after jumping through challenging hoops lol