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Oooohhhhhh I did the predictive text thing and got: The sun exploded and "then I got to see you." That's pretty freaking epic, I'll take it!

Also, this is so cool! You did an amazing job with the polish on it, that's the first thing that sticks out for sure. This looks like something you took weeks on! But beyond that, everything about it is awesome: the concept of literally burning the paper, getting a final message out before the sun eradicates everything, the prompts (especially the Transmitter page where you answer why you're there and such).

You have such a way with succinctness that punctuates emotion and humor, and you do it with such skill that it's one of those, "Okay I'm jealous af but in the 'I'm super happy for you' way" 🤣 Like "I'm inspired to take this challenge on myself and try to get good at it too." From the length of this reply alone you probably know I'm anything but succinct 🤣 

Seriously though, this is amazing and certainly not something I ever would've guessed was done in a week, it's epic af!

- ✨Beth


The sun exploded and then I got to see you. -- what a devastating predictive text finisher, I love it so much! Ahhhh, Beth this is such a generous review; thank you!!!! 💖✨

It's absolutely my pleasure 🧡 And yeah!!!! LOL I was so shocked when that was what predictive text came up with. I'm silly 99% of the time so I expected like "the sun exploded and who cares amirite?" or "the sun exploded and Walmart sold out of sunscreen in like 5 seconds." 🤣 You awakened something in my phone apparently 🤣🤣🤣