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  I    appreciate your passion for interactive storytelling in visual novels. However, there seems to be a small terminology mix-up in your argument that I'd like to clarify. Visual novels, as a genre, encompass both interactive and non-interactive variations, and they can have varying degrees of branching narratives.

You are absolutely correct that a significant portion of visual novels do feature branching storylines where player choices affect the narrative outcomes. These are indeed interactive and allow players to shape the story. These are what we typically refer to as 'interactive visual novels.' In such games, your choices play a crucial role in determining the story's direction, which aligns with your preference for actively influencing the narrative.

However, there are also visual novels known as 'kinetic novels,' which are intentionally designed to have a linear, predetermined storyline without branching or significant player choices. The distinction between interactive and kinetic novels is essential because it caters to different preferences in storytelling. While kinetic novels may not involve player choices, they still fall under the broader category of visual novels.

So, it's not that all visual novels are devoid of choices and divergences, but rather there are different subgenres within visual novels that offer distinct narrative experiences. It's a matter of personal preference whether you prefer interactive or linear storytelling, and both have their merits. Your desire for active involvement and influence in the story is certainly valid, and there are numerous interactive visual novels that provide that experience without the need for a sandbox game. Visual novels, as a diverse genre, have options to cater to a wide range of storytelling preferences.

Point is, Angels Humans and Gremory is more of a sandbox than VN, "of course there's a silly story there" but you have the freedom to explore every location there and farm status to continue the story, which is a feature of the sandbox that, despite being chaotic and not following a fixed line like Kinect, but also have element of VN. I've already progressed halfway through this game, with walktrought, and there are only two routes, romance or corruption of the girls. Like many games of this nature, there isn't much choice beyond that.            

And about the random girls and main girls, I see... I thought I had skipped them when I entered the cheat code to release all the chapter contents and so I tried playing again, withouth cheat but miss all. It really sucks, that these lewd scenes are like fanservice not with the game's story, there's no reason to create an erotica vn as a dev can't get out of her original work tracks

 Seriously, I felt like Issei was the prostitute doing a booty call while Rias was hir pimp lol.  Anyway, I hope that in the next episode Issei can touch the main girls, as shown in the fanservice scenes because if not, she wouldn't be funny.

It's funny how you explain to me what are kinetic novels even though I explained it myself in my previous answer. 😅

Naitoh is a girl?

It seems that she doesn't answer here but if you have a Discord account, you could share our discussions with her to let her know what we expect from her?

“It's funny how you explain to me what kinetic novels are, even though I explained it myself in my previous answer.” Bro, I know very well what VN novels and Kinect novels are. The problem is... maybe you didn't understand my point, I just counter-argued.

 Anyway, yes... misunderstanding here!  I don't know if it's a man or a woman. and I don't really care if the developer is a woman or not. I just raised my point of view... unfortunately I don't use discord and so I have no way of knowing about the status of the game, but the developer can also update their audience on ichio or even on patreon, there are many developers out there who do that.

Did you see a single answer from Naitoh to the many questions and comments posted here on this Itch page?

Look, I just took a quick look at the Dev logs, looking for some of this information, but I couldn't find it. As soon as I have more computer time, I'll take a closer look!