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Yeah, I'll think some more about all these ideas and see what I come up with.

Again, thank you so much for your feedback and ideas!

i have a great idea exp is low if you go individually but in truth for the first 5 to 10 floors its easier with 1 or 2  so my idea is could you make it so that there is linked skills between classes not every class  and can you make recruiting cost gold

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What do you mean by "linked skills"? Can you elaborate?

Edit: Yes, I can make it paid to recruit but I'm not sure if it would be too hard. Considering that you already have to grind for EXP it could be too demanding to ask for gold too. On the other hand, people can always save the game before recruiting and then trying out the classes first... yeah, maybe I should do it lol

(1 edit)

you could make one recruit free for the first one after that you should pay and for linked skills i mean like between characters like if you have a party of at least 2 different class it can create a skill that you can use that is powerful but the drawback would be that if you use it those character cant act it would be like they attacked

Ooh I see, I get it now.

I'll give it some though, thanks again for all the suggestions.

can you make like a house you could eventually  so people dont have to keep going to the inn and will there be dating and marriage 

Well, at the beginning I had plans for the dating part but, as you can see, I'm not a great writter so I've put aside that idea.

At this point, I'm not having enough time and energy to devot to gamedev, sadly, but maybe in a future far far away lol

Not the marriage and free healing house, though, I don't want to change how healing works.

Thanks again for your input!